Voice it Out

The place to claim your voice.

Empowering, Advocating, and Enabling Your Voice

At Voice It Out Academy, we believe that speaking skills are not limited to public speakers on big platforms. We understand that these skills have diverse applications, catering to the unique needs of individuals. Our academy is driven by the vision of sharing the knowledge and expertise in speaking skills to help people in three impactful ways:
  • Empower: We are committed to teaching individuals the conversational skills necessary to confidently speak up against racism, discrimination, inequality, and other pressing issues in their environments and workplaces. By equipping people with effective debating techniques, we empower them to improve their work cultures and promote positive change.
  • Advocate: We recognize the power of youth voices and their passion for global issues. Our academy aims to provide young people with a platform to speak about the causes they deeply care about and advocate for a more sustainable world. We believe in nurturing the next generation of leaders who can make a difference through their powerful advocacy.
  • Enable: At Voice It Out Academy, we are dedicated to helping individuals reach their full potential. We offer comprehensive training programs that equip participants with the skills and confidence to excel in job interviews, deliver impactful presentations at work, and promote their own businesses. Our goal is to enable individuals to prosper in their professional endeavours and support their personal and professional growth.
Join us on this transformative journey as we unlock the power of your voice. At Voice It Out Academy, we are committed to empowering you, supporting your advocacy journey, and enabling your success. Together, let's harness the incredible potential of speaking skills to drive positive change in our lives and the world around us.

Our Mission

Our aim is to empower individuals by providing them with the essential skills to voice their opinions, share their knowledge, and advocate for greater causes. By nurturing people’s abilities to effectively convey their ideas, we enable them to make a tangible impact on their lives and the world around them. We foster a society where voices are heard, ideas are respected, and positive change is possible.

The way we say things is way more important than the things we say themselves. I believe that VoiceitOut Academy is a great place to learn how to get one’s message across in the most efficient and attractive way possible.
- Lour Nader (Founder)